Important Days

World Environment Day

Environment and its importance Our surrounding that includes living and non-living things is our environment. Living things are called biotic components and non-living things are called abiotic components of our environment.      Both biotic and abiotic components have effect on our lives. Even a small change in any component may have significant effect on our […]

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World Earth Day (WED)

Earth and its importance Earth is a beautiful planet in our solar system. It is only known planet in the universe that supports life. Humans, all other animals and plants evolve on the earth over the time by using resources and nourishment provided by the earth.            We are in the universe because there is

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National Science Day (NSD)

Science and its Importance The word science means ‘to know’. Science is the systematic study of nature, natural things and natural laws. Science:   Answers the mysteries of the universe. Gives us the simplified solutions for our day to day problems. Increases the quality of our lives Sir C V Raman and ‘Raman Effect’ Scientists

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World Braille Day

What is Braille? Human and animals have eyes with which they can see things, humans also use their eye sight to read and communicate with others.       Some people do not have normal eye sight, they are called visually impaired people. Braille is a system that visually impaired people can use to read by touching

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