What is Telecommunication
Tele means far or distant and communication means exchange of information, message, text etc. Thus telecommunication means to send or receive information at a place that is far away from us.
In the past information at distant place was sent by physically going at that place. It was a time consuming process. So there was need of a fast mean of communication.
An introduction to Telegraph
By the end of 18th century new ways of distant communication were introduced, one of them was Telegraph. Telegraph sends or receives message through wires, so invention of telegraph made the distant communication faster and easier.
In 1839, the world’s first commercial telegraph service opened in London. Soon major towns in many countries were linked by telegraph wires.
To overcome the barriers and make the passage of information smooth across the borders some common rules were needed, so on 17th May 1865 representatives from twenty states gathered in Paris. Here the first telegraph convention was signed and “International Telegraph Union” (ITU) was established.
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
International Telegraph Union adopted a new name on 1st January 1934 that is “International Telecommunication Union”. It is also its present name. On 1st January 1949 ITU became a specialized UN agency. Headquarters if ITU are at Geneva (Switzerland).
History of the “WTISD”
This day has been observed as “World Telecommunication Day” on 17th May since 1969.
In March 2006, to focus on importance of ICT and other issues of Information Society UNGA adopted a resolution that “World Information Society Day” (WISD) shall be observed on 17th May every year.
In November 2006 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya, Turkey decided to celebrate both the days (“World Telecommunication Day” and “World Information Society Day”) on May 17 as “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day” (WTISD).
Why “WTISD” is observed?
This day is observed to raise awareness about:
- The possibilities that Internet and available Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) can bring to societies and economies.
- The ways to bridge digital divide.
This day also mark the founding of ITU and signing of first International Telegraph Convention.
Theme of year 2023 is “Empowering the least developed countries through information and communication technologies”.